Commercial Locksmith Katy Texas

When you are experiencing an Office Lockout and are wondering if you should break into your building remember that might not be necessary and in fact will cost you more money in repairs. Instead of taking drastic measures, why don’t you call King Locksmith of Katy? We can take care of this problem without breaking your door or locks. We have the tools needed to manipulate your lock until it opens. We can help you any time 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


office lockout


If you want to install an exit panic bar we can help you. This bar has a latch that is connected to your building security. Once this latch is pressed is activates the security system which automatically opens the door allowing quick exit. This is particularly critical in case of an emergency such as a fire or any other threat in the building.


If you have changed offices recently and still have your old keys that were passed on to you from a previous tenant, it is advisable to rekey office locks so that you can have new locks that no one else from the past has. A rekeying saves you money since you don't replace the actual locks but only a small part of them. Changing keys if good because if a copy of a previous one lands into the hands of a thief, they can cost you money and loss of property. If you have any need for any of our services, call us and we will respond quickly.